Mathematics in admission tests
42,00 €
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Format 17 x 24 cm, more than 200 pages, hard cover
New: in English language
42 vorrätig
Artikelnummer: LBU-MIZ-E
Kategorien: HSG Exercise books and mock papers, Lernbücher BT-WISO alle, Lernbücher Frankfurt School, Lernbücher Leuphana, Lernbücher TESTAS, Lernbücher TM-WISO alle, Lernbücher WHU, Unkategorisiert
The book “Mathematics in admission tests” contains strategies for processing mathematical subtests (“Quantitative Problem Solving”) and mathematical basics that are also helpful for analysing texts.
The purchase of the book “Mathematics in admission tests” is recommended if you want to deepen your knowledge of the mathematical sub-areas in admission tests.
The book is a completely revised new edition of the book “Mathematics in Admission Tests”, which has been used successfully for many years in the preparation of our seminars and also for the selection procedures. 100 exercises and 11 practice units with solutions and solution comments.